Dear PEDES participants,
The IEEE PEDES 2020 steering and organizing committees have been continuously monitoring the updates on the Covid-19 status in India and other countries. Our primary concern is the health, safety, and comfort of our attendees. In light of growing concerns surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, and the consequent travel constraints, after much thoughtful deliberation, it is decided not to move forward with the in-person conference but to organize the conference “virtually” using web-based online presentation.
PEDES 2020’s organizing committee is committed to communicating responsibly as planning continues to evolve towards a successful event.Planning is already underway to assemble and deploy a virtual conference platform to preserve value for attendees and speakers. Please await further details.
All papers presented will go to IEEEXplore and will be eligible for further review for publication in IAS Transactions and magazine.
In view of this situation, the digest submission deadline has been extended to 31 July 2021.
Registration fee:click here
Please visit our conference webpage for timely updates and stay safe!
Conference Information
IEEE Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES) is a biennial conference sponsored by four Societies of IEEE – the Industry Applications Society, Power Electronics Society, Industrial Electronics Society, and Power and Energy Society. The first edition of the conference was held in 1996 at New Delhi, India. It has subsequently been held in Perth Australia (1998), New Delhi (2006 & 2010), Bengaluru (2012), Mumbai (2014), Thiruvananthapuram (2016), Chennai (2018), and the ninth in the series i.e. IEEE PEDES 2020 will be held at Malaviya National Institute of Technology (MNIT) Jaipur, Rajasthan from 16 to 19 December 2020. The goal of PEDES is to provide a platform for conference, exhibition and tutorials on selected topics of contemporary interest.
The conference provides a unique forum for the exchange of knowledge and information among the professionals across the globe in the areas of power electronics, drives and energy systems – subjects which have greater significance owing to the emphasis on energy affected by the climate change. The conference aims at bringing together the users and researchers of electrical energy conversion systems and sub-systems with the emphasis on the technical content of the papers
The conference sessions will highlight the latest research and development efforts enabling the minimization of technical and cost barriers. The scope of the conference includes all aspects of the design, manufacture, application of devices, circuits, and systems related to electrical energy.
We look forward to meeting you in MNIT Jaipur at IEEE Conference 2020.